Red Bull Wings Team

Training + On-Boarding Booklet

Role: Project Manager

the story.

Red Bull employs thousands of Wings Team Members operating in over 50 countries around the globe, sampling 10’s of millions of cans throughout the year. The US is the largest single Red Bull country in the world, with the largest single Wings Team.

Wings Teams are managed locally by market managers, who all take slightly different approaches on how they lead their teams, including how they enforce deadlines, coach, communicate etc.

While Red Bull North America HQ puts together universal trainings that local managers take new team members through upon initial hiring, there was a large gap between those trainings and the reality of how teams operate on a daily basis.

I decided to close that gap, surveying my counterparts across the country on best practices for team management and what type of brand & product information was truly critical for our teams on a regular basis. I compiled this information and created a globally relevant Training + On-Boarding Booklet for Wings Teams.


Upon completion of this booklet & roll-out to teams in the US, it was shared internally on a global scale, being viewed over 55,000x within 30 days, and files shared to be rolled out for Wings Teams in 8 other countries outside of the US, spurring increased communication & collaboration between local market managers on a global level.


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